
Performing Knowledge: Experiments between Arts, Science and Politics

14:00 - 16:00
Max Planck Institute for the History of Science, Boltzmannstraße 22, 14195 Berlin, Room 215
Jonathan Morton (MPIWG Berlin)
Lecturing Person
Frédérique Aït-Touati, (CNRS Chargée de recherche, EHESS, Paris)

This event is part of a mini-series of interdisciplinary seminars that are organised by Jonathan Morton at the MPIWG entitled The Uses of Imagination: Between Science and Art under the aegis of the Krause Research Group on Knowledge and Experience. The aim is to investigate how scientific questions and problems can be thought through with acts of imagination (visual arts, literature, and theatre).

The seminar series is open to members of the Institute and to outside researchers. Those coming from outside should give advance notice to ensure there is enough space. Please contact Jonathan Morton to register and receive the precirculated papers.